First, people who are recruited usually choose fruit that is low hanging. Maybe there is someone in the database who meets the minimum requirements for a job, or maybe it takes time to understand the search parameters and find out how much time, energy and money are needed to find the right candidate. Emergency search firms must not only consider what is needed to start and complete a successful search but also consider other recruiters to fill these positions. The employer can cancel the search without notifying the tenant, or the employer can position it without an external recruiter.
The highest priority that must be considered by a beginner is the possibility of payment. If the payment is high but the request requires a large amount of time, effort and/or money and the recruiter knows that there are other best financial search firms, then the recruiter's request has a low priority compared to other requests where the payment is not that high, but the chances of a successful placement are high.
The employer might think that he has the best deal with many recruiters who work hard on demand. However, most likely, none of them have a high priority for the reasons mentioned above. This scenario is a classic example of the cliché "You get what you pay for".
Even if the recruiter finds and sends a candidate, it is very likely that the candidate is this "low hanging fruit". An applicant may be exceptional, but it is likely that this application will only meet a few requirements and is best available for the resources used.
Video Source: Search Solution Group
Hired recruiters, however, do not hesitate to spend time, energy and money to find the right candidate. Because the risks are shared with the employer, the tenant will use the resources needed to find not only someone who meets the minimum requirements but also a candidate who can be considered exceptional in terms of work requirements. Financial search firmware motivated by a promise to collect the remaining costs and do a very good job for the customer so that the customer is motivated to use the recruiter again in future searches.
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